
Johanson Part Number Information


  • Johanson Part Number: ACDD202G680M2NT001B
  • Legacy P/N: 202R18N680MT6-****-AC
  • Description: AC Power Capacitors, 1206, NP0/C0G cap, 2,000.0V, 68.00pF±20% cap, Ni/SnPb cap, Bulk cap
  • Life Cycle Stage: Active - Production
  • Schedule B: 8532
  • ECCN: EAR99
  • RoHS Compliance: No
  • REACH: 1
  • Product Family: Capacitors
  • Product Subfamily: Capacitors AC Power
  • Capacitance Value: 68.000
  • Cap Unit of Meas: pF
  • Tolerance: ±20%
  • Voltage: 2000.0
  • Dielectric Temp Coefficient: NP0/C0G
  • Marking: EIA Mark
  • Product Release Date: 02 January, 2006
  • Web Page Link: https://www.johansondielectrics.com/ac-power-capacitors
  • Johanson Company: Johanson Dielectrics Inc.
  • Size for Capacitors (EIA): 1206
  • NCNR: 1
  • Thickness (Max): 0.067
  • End Band (Max): 0.030
  • Lead Time Typical (Weeks)*:
    *This can vary significantly so it is important to obtain a quotation
    with lead time for production planning purposes.
  • Length (Min): 0.115
  • Length (Max): 0.135
  • Width (Min): 0.052
  • Width (Max): 0.072
  • Packaging: Bulk
  • Operating Temp Range: -55°C to +125°C
  • Storage Temp Range (Packaged): -65°C to +125°C
  • Storage Temp Range (Non Operating): +5°C to +40°C with RH 20% to 70%
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