New! TI Releases Sub-GHz CC1310/CC1190 Launchpad Using Johanson Matched Balun Filter
April 12, 2017

The SimpleLink Sub-1 GHz Ultra-Low Power Wireless Microcontroller family has added a power amplifier (CC1190) to its reference design catalog using Johanson's 868/915MHz matched balun filter, p/n 0850BM14E0016. Click on the following link where the CC1310/CC1190 Launchpad is visible on TI's website. Two application notes are associated - one for U.S. and one for Europe:
Gerber and schematics:,
Our 0900MHz antenna, p/n 0900AT43A0070, goes great with this reference design. These matched balun and antenna are available for purchase in Mouser and DigiKey.